
What is change management in health care?

What is change management in health care?

Change management is the practice and process of supporting people through change, with the goal of ensuring
that the change is successful in the long term. Change management helps people to change their behaviors,
attitudes, and/or work processes to achieve a desired business objective or outcome.
• Change management as a discipline includes the processes, tools, and techniques used to manage the human
elements of change which are applied at the individual, project, and organizational level before, during, and after
the change occurs.

What are the main principles of healthcare change management?

• The implementation of health technologies is both expensive and time-consuming, often requiring
a significant change to user workflows. Change management ensures that these projects are successful, by helping to organize and disseminate information and change management practices throughout the organization.

How do you implement change in a healthcare organization?

How do you implement change in a healthcare organization? Discusses change management in healthcare organizations. Then, you are required to examine the article and answer the following questions;

• What is the main point of the review material?
• Who should (or does) care?
• Why is this important?
• When and how would you use the study results in your practice to make a difference in patient outcomes?
• WOW – What is the one thing that was surprised you?

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