
Legal Environment under the Occupational Safety and Health Act

Legal Environment under the Occupational Safety and Health Act. Legal Environment under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act), companies are mandated to provide a safe workplace. Employees who are concerned about an unsafe condition may file a complaint with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), which will investigate and fine a company for any violations it finds. Likewise in response, they are utilising new technologies, changing their organisations’ structures, redesigning work, relocating workforces, and improving work processes.

  Do all the tasks given below:  (2,000 words)


  1. Analyse the OSHA strategy which is “align worker safety and health with global business strategy and values” and describe how this could help in achieving the safety and health standard in the organisation?
  • Analyse how the company will manage regulatory compliance issue and describe how this could support in achieving the safety and health standards in the organisation?
  • Critically evaluate how benchmarking analytics and measures against data from outside organisations can add value to the company?

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