
A heart in a body in the world

A heart in a body in the world

Methods of characterizing main character (actions, words, inner thoughts, etc.) and believability of character
Evaluating the main character’s strengths and weaknesses to determine if they are a good hero/heroine
What makes the main character an individual?
Evaluating the main character’s relationships (healthiness, balance of power, values, importance of different people in their lives)
Importance of minor characters in the story
How a character changes or evolves through the story and what driving forces cause them to change, what the character learns through the course of the novel, compare/contrast character from beginning to end of novel
Compare/contrast two characters within the same novel
Effect of Literary Devices
Symbols in the novel and their significance
Author’s use of foreshadowing, irony, satire, parody, metaphor, etc.
How setting affects the way the story is told or how setting mirrors key events in story, how setting creates mood, how the setting exacerbates the central conflict
How point of view affects the way the story is told
Sources of central conflict in the story and lessons learned through the conflict

Theme and Moral Message
Main message readers should take with them after reading novel
Different sub-themes throughout novel, and how the sub-themes support the main theme
How does the title tie in with the overall theme
What insights does this novel teach you about the real world? What lessons that apply in this novel also apply in the world?
Writing Style

How an author uses diction (word choice), dialogue, description, sentence structure, narrative technique and plot development to create believable characters, advance the plot, create setting, create suspense,

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