
Choose an industry that has gone through rapid, dramatic change

Choose an industry that has gone through rapid, dramatic change

Choose an industry that has gone through rapid, dramatic change—e.g., social media; retailing (Amazon vs Walmart), entertainment media; travel industry; publishing; music; education, etc. Look at costs, productivity, ownership of intellectual property, technology, supply chains, customers, competitors, etc. Explain how the industry changed and why. How did companies in this industry handle risk and uncertainty? Talk about the competitors in the industry—who won, who lost, and why? Examples: Blockbuster lost to Netflix; Barnes and Noble to Amazon; Sears and Kmart to Walmart who is now challenged by Amazon. (Topics for chapters: Economies of scale and scope; understanding markets & industry changes; market structure & long-run equilibrium; strategy- keep profit from eroding) Extensive research not necessary.

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How to Motivate employee in Non profit organization

How to Motivate employee in Non profit organization

Introduction and problem statement. Remember that this is a justification for your research and it identifies and defines the nature of the problem. This section should conclude with your research question
[b] Literature review focusing on the nature and history of the problem, what is known about the problem to date, including the variables investigated and associated findings, and the unanswered questions and how that leads to your problem. Consider the strong examples we’ve seen during class that organize the literature by theme and that build the story the authors want to tell about their research question
[c] Proposed hypotheses or expectations;
[d] Methodology
Methodological approach (this should include a justification, strengths and weaknesses of this approach)
Proposed variables (measures and discussion of strengths and weaknesses of measures),

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